Intelligent Digital Mesh Leading the Top 10 Strategic Technology Intelligent Digital Mesh Leading the Top 10 Strate | Page 8
Trends grouped under the Intelligent section of IDM
Trend No. 1: AI Foundation:
The ability to use AI to enhance decision making, reinvent business models and ecosystems, and remake
the customer experience will drive the digital initiatives through 2025.
o According to Gartner nearly 59% of the enterprises are in the process of collating information for AI
implementation strategies or else have already started in this task.
Trend No. 2: Intelligent Apps and Analytics:
o Augmented Analytics will enable users to spend more time acting on insights.
o Virtually every technology will use AI to create intelligent actions or autonomous, self-guiding processes.
o Many companies will need to incorporate AI into their applications, platforms and services to achieve an
edge against the competition.
Trend No. 3: Intelligent Things:
Groups of intelligent things will work together using AI and machine learning to interact in a more
intelligent way with people and surroundings.
o These intelligent things can exist either with or without AI.
o These things can operate semi-autonomously or autonomously in an unsupervised environment.
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