Intelligent Data Centres Issue 44 | Page 37

FEATURE FEATURE money , storing or backing up every scrap of data in your organisation is probably unnecessary . There is a lot of redundant data that does not need to be preserved long-term , such as system images or replaceable data .
You should seek out storage solutions that provide capabilities like data tiering . This enables you to move the data you use less often to less-expensive storage levels . It also reduces storage costs while safeguarding your most valuable data .
With data tiering , you can confidently preserve and backup your essential data and spend less on storing the data you deem less important . A further upside of data tiering is energy efficiency – and lower electricity bills – because you ’ ll be devoting less compute power to storage .
2 : Have a solid plan for data growth
When organisations invest in storage solutions , they don ’ t know how much storage they ’ ll need three , five , or 10 years later . If they don ’ t invest enough , they ’ ll have to go through the evaluation and budgeting process more often than necessary , which can be time-consuming and costly in and of itself . On the other hand , they could be overpaying when they don ’ t need to if they purchase too much storage . Keep in mind that , as your business changes , the type of data you ’ re storing changes , as do the technologies in the market .
The option to purchase storage up front at a reasonable price and then scale it out cost-effectively over time is critical . Instead of jumping in headfirst and paying an arm and a leg , look for storage solutions that start at a reasonable cost and are highly scalable . These solutions should begin with terabytes of storage and scale out to petabytes . The right solution will allow you to add any number of drives and / or nodes www . intelligentdatacentres . com