Intelligent Data Centres Issue 42 | Page 23

INDUSTRY INTELLIGENCE POWERED BY THE DCA longer without a charge and to have an extensive life cycle . These batteries could operate across a broad range of ambient temperature conditions without the need for air conditioning or heating . They may certainly be much cheaper when it comes to the overall cost of storage than Lithium-ion .
Zinc bromide flow batteries are more prominent than vanadium redox , as they currently provide the greatest energy density solution . Several major manufacturers intend to invest heavily in this technology as an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to Lithiumion cells .
Meanwhile , hydrogen cell technology offers an energy-dense and clean power source , especially in transportation .
Exploring hydrogen cell tech
Meanwhile , hydrogen cell technology offers an energy-dense and clean power source , especially in transportation . However , this tech is still too expensive and has limited support infrastructure . Hydrogen power may represent a more lightweight solution than battery cells , but it has a way to go before the technology is sufficiently developed to address those ever-present range and charging concerns .
Challenges with hydrogen
Furthermore , there is still a challenge associated with hydrogen production , which requires a significant amount of energy , and there are many inefficiencies in the production process compared to the traditional battery . As significant strides are being made in the world of battery and fast charging technology , this could quickly overrun the potential for hydrogen fuel cells .
With hydrogen facing its own challenges related to production efficiencies , it seems that Sodium-ion could be the way forward .
The hunt for greater efficiency
The battery storage sector continues to push forward at pace in the hunt for greater efficiency , but with ever-present political and public relations pressure . While Lithium-ion remains the dominant technology , there will always be a desire to reduce cobalt use . After all , in its natural form , this metal can only be found in certain parts of the world and is inherently toxic in nature . Some countries also use questionable mining techniques that may infringe upon human rights , and with hydrogen facing its own challenges related to production efficiencies , it seems that Sodium-ion could be the way forward . � www . intelligentdatacentres . com