Intelligent Data Centres Issue 34 | Page 66





What would you describe as your most memorable achievement in the data centre industry ?
My proudest achievement was successfully designing and deploying a tool that leverages AI and reduces analysis paralysis across most OEM data centres worldwide .
That tool spun off an entire division at Park Place , changing the company from a straight third-party support organisation to a company offering a full DMSO portfolio . That division is called ParkView which mixes managed services with hardware support for most data centre storage , server and network equipment . The initial project , coined ‘ ParkView Hardware Monitoring ’, is now monitoring over 40,000 devices across the globe . Since launch , alert efficiency continues to improve and the supported products list grows . This incredible amount of data powering this division allows us to provide world-class support to our customers .
What first made you think of a career in technology / data centres ?
When I was in elementary school , my father brought me to a computer show . Fascinated with all of the tech , I began tinkering with desktops , upgrading memory video cards and hard drives and eventually built a computer , retiring my hand-me-down 386 . Soon after , I learned some simple scripting , which helped me perform tasks around the desktop . I was constantly showing my parents all the cool stuff I had done with the CLI .
To further fuel my interest , my father gave me a learn visual basic 3.0 book that taught me some fundamentals of software development . Applying some of the skills , I was able to make GUI applications that had some real function ; this solidified my interest in software development and computer technology .
What style of management philosophy do you employ in your current position ?
My management style adjusts for different project types ; I would say I follow the Full Range Leadership Model ( FRLM ) – defining tasks , setting goals , listening , helping , etc . Sometimes I ’ ll take a paternalistic approach as required in certain areas , but I like to default to a laissez-faire leadership style whenever I can to allow the team to be more open and gather creative solutions to problems . I like to operate democratically because
it has proven to be the most effective for the majority of projects we work on – but I don ’ t limit myself to one leadership philosophy .
What do you think is the current hot talking point within the data centre space ?
Edge technology – we are in the midst of another transition . Small , mini data centres collecting and processing and shipping results back to a central data centre or cloud seems to be working well in many industries .
That , combined with reliable , cheap Internet becoming accessible in more areas of the globe ; IoT ’ s growth not only among consumers but also in terms of industrial availability ; and , finally , server footprints that allow businesses to split up the data centre workload and place some of the processing closer to the users are facilitating seismic changes in the data centre space .
How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office ?
I like to learn new things , work on passion projects , ride ATVs and spend time with my kids .
What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in your industry ?
Data analytics and Edge technologies are two areas where I see some movement within our industry .
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