Intelligent Data Centres Issue 28 | Page 25


Sunbird reveals COVID-19 ’ s impact on data centres

The COVID-19 pandemic presents an unprecedented health and economic challenge , and as organisations focus on maintaining operations , data centres are key to keeping things running smoothly .
he COVID-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic spike in

T the utilisation of server compute , storage and network resources , and data centre managers are tasked with maintaining uptime and availability to continue providing the services the world desperately needs at this time .

• Microsoft saw a 775 % increase in use of cloud services in Italy and robust increases in regions that have enforced social distancing or shelter in place orders .
• Google ’ s Hangouts Meet had day-over-day growth consistently reach 60 % in March last year and its daily usage reached 25 times more than January ’ s levels in 2020 .
• AT & T ’ s ANIRA VPN saw customer connections surge by roughly 700 %.
• Zoom reached more than 200 million daily meeting participants , a dramatic increase over its previous record of 10 million .
• Netflix has seen an increase in its number of users – 57 % in Italy and 34 % in Spain – and the company has had to reduce video streaming bit rates in Europe to be able to continue service to its larger audience .
Data centre managers are often prepared for various disasters such as power outages or extreme weather events , but COVID-19 has put them in unchartered territory . Uptime Institute created an advisory report to help them mitigate business risks to their infrastructure and services . Some of the data centre best practices to get through the pandemic include :
• Adapt existing response plans
• Create a tiered response strategy
• Clean data centres more frequently and more deeply
DCIM software ensures uptime and availability during the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a spike in the utilisation of data centre resources . Organisations need to ensure missioncritical systems are running , power capacity is available for those systems and redundancy is clear . Now is the best time for data centre operators to have Data Center Infrastructure Management ( DCIM ) software for remote management and monitoring of their data centre infrastructure . DCIM provides maximum uptime and availability in various ways .
How IT organisations are responding
During times of crisis , there is still positivity to be found as people and organisations show their support for one another . The data centre and IT industry has stepped up in many ways to help the world get through the pandemic . ◊
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