Intelligent CXO Issue 09 | Page 7


Elastic Path introduces Pre-Composed Solution for B2B Commerce

Elastic Path , a leading provider of e-commerce software for brands leveraging Composable Commerce to drive digital innovation with confidence , has introduced a Composable Commerce solution to simplify B2B commerce for branded manufacturers . The Pre-Composed Solution for B2B Commerce is a business-ready solution providing a quick start to rapidly launch complex B2B experiences with advanced quoting , account management , complex catalogue support and role-based access .

Branded manufacturers that are focused on growing digital revenue often struggle with the complexity of activating B2B channels , including the need to integrate countless external systems and digitise core B2B processes , like quoting and account-based catalogues . As a result of this B2B complexity , many brands consider headless , API and microservices-based technologies for their flexibility but struggle to realise business value due to the risk and complexity of integrating multiple technologies into a complete solution .
With Composable Commerce , an approach that enables brands to bring their unique digital vision to life by leveraging multiple bestof-breed vendors composed together into a complete businessready solution , brands no longer have to compromise between the rigid B2B commerce solutions of the past or taking on the risk of stitching together modern technologies . Furthermore , Pre- Composed Solutions , business-ready solutions pre-composed from Elastic Path commerce capabilities and third-party capabilities , provide the fastest way to leverage a Composable Commerce approach to grow digital revenue .

Optevo launches Adaptive Work Management Platform

Optevo , a leading provider of collaboration and communications solutions for businesses , has launched its new Adaptive Work Management Platform . The company ' s vision about the future of work is motivated by a desire to balance customer experience , corporate success and work-life balance . work for organisational sustainability and employee experience ."

With this new product release , Optevo has created a hybrid environment that empowers teams to augment personal productivity using just the right resources .
It cuts the clutter and creates a space that allows for easy collaborations , adaptable work styles , time and resourceefficient communication methods . This new tool will be a significant competitive advantage for companies in the now ubiquitous digital workplace .
Corporate success comes from good customer experience , which , in turn , is derived from the best employee experience .
Achieving these goals requires an adaptable workspace that empowers employees with just the right resources at any given time depending on their need – giving them more time to focus on what they do best while still maintaining productivity levels .
" We are aggressive about our growth , but we are not a company that chases growth at all costs ," said Andre William , CEO , Optevo . " We want to build a company that makes an impact on the way that people
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