Intelligent CXO Issue 20 | Page 36

Per Ottosson , CEO of Artifical Solutions
What is that goal ? And what is your company ’ s vision ?
Artificial Solution ’ s goal is to see a world without queues and keypad navigation ; a world of instant service . The first step in reaching this goal will be measured as achieving one billion API calls in our platform in 2024 .
Our vision is one where we remove the barriers that exist between customers and their desired service , by connecting humans and machines . We want our customers to build faster , bigger and better automation with us . After all , life is too short to wait for service .
What has your career looked like so far ?
Although I hold a Business MBA , I ’ ve spent my whole career in tech . I ’ ve built companies , including a company I founded in the late 90s , which created Internet infrastructure , and I ’ ve worked in companies where either growth or a reset was needed .
Before returning to my native Sweden to lead Artificial Solutions in 2020 , I was largely based in the US where I gained more than 30 years of senior management experience , including a decade working in conversational AI solutions .
How do you equip your staff with skills and knowledge ?
Our most important asset is our technology . As 75 % of our staff are engineers , our most important knowledge is therefore the knowledge that ’ s shared within the organisation . We want to be transparent , though , and share this with our customers too . So , we use the same documentation site for both internal and external purposes , often using mini webinars to highlight news on the site or using updates on the team chat channel to encourage people to visit the site to learn more . Then there ’ s the information we have on our customers . Here , we use an internal site to keep the organisation up to date on what customers like and need .
Staff are offered additional skills such as languages , new technologies and leadership training as part of their annual development plans . And we ’ re proud to support increased diversity across the company . Our AiAllies initiative , for example , promotes the stories and insights of industry-leading women and , as we continue to grow as a business , we promise to continue to push for diversity at all levels , across all departments and functions , by valuing equity , diversity and integrity . Indeed , while I ’ m proud that Artificial Solutions has achieved a ratio of 38 % of women in managerial positions , our target stands at achieving a 50 / 50 ratio at the earliest opportunity .
How do you work with other executives within the C-suite to make sure your voice is heard ?
I believe in leadership from the trenches , so I try to involve myself in everything from tech development , customer acquisition and customer retention to HR and finance . That way I can make sure the company is moving in the right direction . Being part of the tasks these teams are driving is the best way to show commitment to the business and help steer its success . x
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