Intelligent CXO Issue 12 | Page 71


With a new year comes a new set of exciting opportunities , as well as challenges for every business – meeting set targets and goals , as well as improving organisational strategy and productivity . However , the mental well-being of employees and workforces shouldn ' t be left to the wayside .

There is still a great deal of ignorance and stigma surrounding mental health issues in the workplace . Many people are uncertain about how to recognise a mental illness and how to respond when faced with it .
This might result in unwittingly stigmatising behaviours and attitudes , meaning that those in need of mental health help and support do not receive it or may even find the workplace exacerbates their symptoms .
Those who reduce their investment in management training and workplace mental health support may be paying for it in other ways . This is not immediately obvious , as most organisations have no way of tracking or reporting on this .
For organisations that invest in supporting their people ’ s mental health , the return on investment is anything between £ 5 and £ 11 for every £ 1 spent . According to a survey , these figures come from a combination of increased productivity , performance , collaboration , reduced presenteeism , absenteeism and staff turnover .
Employers and business leaders who are open and have a willingness to talk about mental health with their employees is exactly the kind of support that so many people want and need at the start of the year .
Any company choosing to make mental health at work a priority within their organisation and looking to implement initiatives to promote good mental health should first measure what is intended to be improved .
Most organisations do not have appropriate mental health reporting arrangements in place . Consider the following questions as you explore mental health training :
• How could your team ’ s mental health be impacting your company ' s performance ?
• Are the staff championing mental health in the workplace ?
• Would all employees know what to do if a mental health crisis incident occurred ?
• How can you go beyond a staff survey to understand the impact of investing in the mental health of your people ?
When we ensure we are effectively measuring the positive impact of mental health , organisations are in a much stronger position to direct initiatives appropriately to optimise that ROI . We also see that by effectively measuring and monitoring progress , we can increase that return further .
We all have mental health and the mental fitness of your team is already impacting productivity , engagement and morale .
Creating more understanding around mental health in the workplace and its impact can help drive the decisions being made , creating a positive culture and supportive interactions . When each person has optimal mental fitness , challenges become opportunities so individuals and businesses can thrive . Organisations that proactively manage mental health derive multiple benefits .
Here are some reasons why mental health training should be at the top of the agenda for every business this year :
It raises awareness of mental illnesses
When employers implement mental health training , they normalise meaningful conversations around the most common mental health illnesses , such as depression and anxiety . Often , mental health is seen as ‘ invisible ’, but organisations have the power to transform how we show up for our colleagues , so no one must suffer in silence . When people feel comfortable talking about their mental health with others , they ’ re less likely to become disengaged or withdraw .
It encourages early intervention to aid recovery
Taking steps to prevent poor mental health from developing is more effective than waiting until people become ill . In troubling times where an employee needs additional support , employers must be equipped with the right skills to recognise the early warning signs and be confident enough to encourage professional help where necessary . By becoming more informed and aware , employees and managers can spot the signs sooner rather than later . This reduces the likelihood of mild symptoms becoming more severe and can make recovery easier . www . intelligentcxo . com