Intelligent CISO Issue 08 | Page 82

GO PHISH out with an IT nerd on their one night the that month. So hacking tends to be ts wan yone Ever ect. more interesting subj to how , rate ope ers hack to know how if they protect themselves online and then ed trac are they get into questioning how you ent, rcem enfo law by and investigated e war polic g tellin self your find soon can stories to the whole party. How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office? e Being based in ESET UK’s awesom ly itab inev I , outh head office in Bournem I ch. bea the of t mos make the mer paddleboard and kayak in the sum er wint the months and surf through at the pier – these are possibly the an best ways to unwind. The sea has % 100 feel you incredible way of making the in swim a have to and the days I get most sea before work are possibly the . productive days of the year If you could go back and change one career decision what would it be? I have This may sound exaggerated, but and er care my enjoyed ever y part of wouldn’t change a thing. I spent the ed perfect amount of time being train s nsic by the police in digital fore and investigating cybercrime, and I now have my dream job working for a huge Internet security company which allows me to talk cybersecurity all day with the scope to develop new and innovative ways of making that message stick. ning potential in training. I see nano lear with staff the h reac to tool best the as short, interesting, bite -sized chunks, coupled with engaging media and d real-life examples. This is complete the than er in bursts of 15 minutes rath ng arni e-le r hou two- laborious one to just directives used by so many, which ers turns people into clicking the answ on. mati infor without taking in the Are there any differences in the way cybersecurity challenges need to be tackled in the different regions? Middle East, Africa, Europe, Americas.) shift around cybersecurity and slowly iously older cultures which may have prev e. issu real a as at disregarded the thre g This bodes well in terms of preventin reas whe ats, and mitigating future thre before it was rarely seen as anything other than the IT manager’s problem. Cyberattacks are an inevitability but best reducing their size and scale is the bers mem rd boa and s CEO With action. more now starting to listen, it will mean re of awa and ed train people are properly s. tion nisa orga their the risks to In my role I purely focus on the UK cyberinfrastructure. What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain c-level position in the security industry? What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months? t these The right qualifications are a mus stry indu t righ the with pled cou but days or sect e rivat and even public sector/p to experience creates the best platform s. ition pos vel c-le the excel into of I keep reading that there is a lack h whic stry indu the into people coming a have ld cou and e sham is a real re in massive impact on the threat pictu have I ths mon 12 the future. In the last rd seen more top-level staff and boa g said members take note of what is bein first- I was lucky enough to experience s tion stiga inve ent rcem enfo hand law ing train of hora plet a iving rece e whil the courses on side. Then moving to ht weig e mor ed add just private industry u CV. my d che enri h whic kit tool to my What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in the cybersecurity industry? Hacking the human is always by far the easiest way in for an attacker and therefore that is the place to start with regards to investment. Ideally, all threat gaps need to be plugged but the landscape is constantly evolving and sadly we have been on the back-foot for quite some time. Companies of all sizes are finally starting to realise the 82 Issue 08 |