Intelligent CISO Issue 44 | Page 68

decrypting myths an organisation ’ s value . Thus , enabling digitalisation while keeping the data sanctity and safeguard measures intact is crucial in transforming businesses .
What are some of the key data security risks to organisations in the region ?
Data exfiltration , data harvesting and social engineering attacks are just some of the key risks which will have severe business impact in both the public and private sectors as they progress in the future to come . Data exfiltration is used to describe the unauthorised transfer of data from a computer or other device , while data harvesting is the process of extracting and analysing trends and patterns from raw data .
Social engineering is a popular attack vector that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves manipulating people into breaking normal security procedures and best practices to gain unauthorised access to data systems or for personal and financial gain .
How are organisations managing compliance with data protection regulations – and how can they do this more effectively ?
With proper tools and resources , data as a valuable asset can be managed using modern data governance and management practices .
The data monitoring tools will be effective when they are capable of having a 360-degree view of its access rights , usage rights .
In this way , organisations can better meet their regulatory obligations and able to respond to new requirements .
What tools and technology do organisations now need to proactively protect their data against advanced threats and risks ?
Database monitoring , data masking , data leakage prevention and data encryption are important tools for protecting against these advanced threats .
Data encryption is the process of translating data into another form , or code , so that only entities with access to a pre-approved key or password
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