Intelligent CISO Issue 44 | Page 44

industry unlocked


After being the target of a cyberattack , one of the world ’ s leading airlines , Cathay Pacific , made the decision to ramp up its security defence and improve its overall cybersecurity posture . YC Chan , Head of Infrastructure Engineering at Cathay Pacific , outlines the organisation ’ s process of implementing micro-segmentation for the right level of protection for its most critical applications , and tells us how Illumio helps it to bolster its internal defences .

cCustomer overview and challenge

Its name has been on just about every ‘ who ’ s-who of airlines ’ list , ranking top 10 from aircraft safety to ticket sales . These accolades have been all but inevitable for Cathay Pacific as it has focused on delivering world-class airline operations . But when it was the target of an attack , a new inevitability in today ’ s cybersecurity landscape , the
Hong Kong-based carrier redoubled its focus on its security programme in short order .
“ Zero Trust and least privilege came into the discussion right away . We knew we had to implement micro-segmentation for the right level of protection for our most critical applications ,” said YC Chan , Head of Infrastructure Engineering at Cathay Pacific .
If the end goal of micro-segmentation is to prevent lateral movement and protect ‘ crown jewel ’ applications , the airline had to know its network better than anyone else from the start . The team required visibility into application traffic across the entire network . But more than that , Chan sought a solution that would help it achieve its visibility and segmentation goals in the most efficient way possible .
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