Intelligent CISO Issue 04 | Page 86

First impressions matter and if you mess up your first disclosure , you may be setting yourself up for reputational damage more costly than any fine .

First impressions matter and if you mess up your first disclosure , you may be setting yourself up for reputational damage more costly than any fine .

Essential to these digital forensics will be attaining visibility into the late stages of an attack . Often , enterprises focus on the information going in and out of their networks – North-South traffic – but on its own , this provides only a partial vision of what is going on inside a network .
In reconstructing an attack , looking at North-South traffic – how someone gained access to your network – is as important as analysing East-West traffic : what ’ s going on within your network . Both will be decisive in establishing root cause . This kind of visibility will allow you to answer vital questions like how systems were compromised , which hosts provided a base camp for the attacker , what type of data was breached and how and to where the breached data was exfiltrated .
Good scoping and root cause analysis will allow you to understand the nature and size of the disclosure you need to make and feedback process improvements to better contain and mitigate future threats . These will help you ensure that your reporting is complete and to make sure that there is no additional damage to notify consumers and regulators .
While many consumers are by now used to seeing breaches in the daily news , they ’ re more sensitive to serial disclosures of the same breach affecting the same brand again and again . If reporting is not complete and needs to be amended , repeated statements , apologies and interrogations in the press will not go down well with the spending public . First impressions matter and if you mess up your first disclosure , you may be setting yourself up for reputational damage more costly than any fine .
These four areas are integral to GDPR breach notification . Without them you ’ ll only be treating symptoms while leaving the cancer to spread . But these steps , effectively implemented , will prepare you for much more than just compliance . u
Issue 04 | www . intelligentciso . com