Intelligent CISO Issue 20 | Page 71

GO PHISH NGARDIWALA, WE ‘GO PHISHING’ WITH MUSTAFA GA HEAD OF INFORMATION SECURITY UNIT, ABOUT INDUSTRIAL BANK OF KUWAIT, WHO TELLS US LIFE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE OFFICE. W What would you describe as your most memorable achievement? During my career, I have gained nical technical expertise in different tech core a have I areas. Even though believe technical understanding, I always ing ress add and ring side con out with that of l leve le ptab acce the people factor, an y earl the In d. ieve ach be t security can’ nity stage of my career, I got an opportu I and ent agem to work with higher man the of one on them e failed to persuad important security initiatives. After that, when looking in the mirror, I realised that the issue was I in my method of communication. my d nge cha again worked hard and ple peo -IT non so style ion communicat able was I , that r Afte . and erst und ld cou the on them to explain and convince most same initiative. This was one of my ht taug h whic ts men ieve ach le memorab s. skill me the importance of soft What first made you think of a career in technology? gy It was the early 90s when technolo to le hab reac and was not widespread ady alre had her brot My most people. gy field started his career in the technolo w the kno to e and because of that I cam gy nolo tech of ties abili fascinating cap re. futu the nge cha will that and how ney This motivated me to start my jour early was I As a. aren gy nolo in the tech the find in that field it was not easy to y luck was I . ning resources for self-lear h whic nity ortu opp ble as I got a suita | Issue 20 d consistently demanded and motivate me to learn new technology. As technology is constantly evolving and at the same time businesses are demanding to adopt these new technologies to give themselves an edge, security is key in this journey. new Each new technology comes with ing and erst und and es security challeng ys alwa gies nolo tech new these d. fascinates me and keeps me motivate What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position? I use a combination of a strategic and affiliative management style. Even though I motivate my team to work independently, I also adopt style the example- setting management ease incr and nc in-sy are so my team ly the standard of their output. Regular n, vatio moti providing the guidance and iding prov and team being part of the the adequate training is crucial to build to ition add In . bers mem team in t trus of the that, identifying the key capabilities er in furth build to them team and helping t grea eve achi to team the s help that area results with limited resources. What do you think is the current hot technology talking point? To address the consistent dynamic d, business requirements, hybrid clou micro services and API have great potential. In addition to that, robotics, automation, predictive analysis and on Blockchain will provide great benefits e thes As . ness busi the of s area different , ntial new technologies have great pote gies adoption of these innovative technolo etite app risk the on will largely depend tion. and security maturity of the organisa How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office? I follow the ‘stop and think before a reacting’ rule which helps me to take of ad inste ision dec l rational and analytica rity prio g gnin assi Also one. an emotional cing and time management is key to redu . time ing work in ss stre ary cess unne 71