Intelligent CISO Issue 14 | Page 42

E R T N P X E INIO OP vulnerability. This will help them to be in a better position to repel the next attack when it takes place – be assured that this is ‘when’, not ‘if’. However, simply training staff isn’t going to change things. Organisations must work harder to create a more diverse workforce. And there will be opportunities. For example, when an organisation invests in technical tools to provide more intelligence around threats, or higher levels of protection, additional staffing resources may be needed to configure systems, manage and analyse and respond to findings. Equally, when an organisation implements training and awareness initiatives to arm its staff, new staff may also be required to design and manage awareness work ongoing. A diverse intake of staff at this point will allow the new tools, or initiatives, to be designed, implemented, measured and managed in new and unexpected ways. To widen the hiring pool, organisations can also usefully consider candidates with skills that are less obviously relevant to information security, such as marketing, sales, communications and logistics. They can also create a talent pipeline for the future through apprenticeship schemes or internship programmes. Culture and the sacrificial CISO As organisations work to improve their ability to manage information risk, the importance of having a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is also being recognised very broadly. However, the person in this role needs to be a part of regular discussions at a boardroom level to engage effectively with senior staff and hence encourage them to sponsor organisational change. It is also important to recognise the impact of different security cultures. The role of the CISO, for example, varies hugely depending on the organisation and industry, with some CISOs having 42 We are in the midst of many unofficial guerrilla cyberconflicts which only seem to be escalating and this is impacting the threat and compliance landscape. board membership, budget control and large teams, and others reporting many levels below the CEO, and having to apply for resources from other teams. This obviously influences the range of cybersecurity roles available in the organisation but potentially also affects the ability of the CISO to achieve their assigned objectives. Worryingly, a CISO role is sometimes designed as a scapegoat role, held in readiness against a likely future breach as an alternative to actually improving risk management. Will prejudiced hiring approaches lead to more minorities and women being picked to fill this ‘sacrificial CISO’ role? On this note, organisations will always look to the board to set an example; what proportion of top management are female or ethnically diverse? The current status of the diversity debate and the underlying trends What we see currently in the diversity debate are questions around whether people are being treated equally. The fact that such questions are being asked implies that we still have a problem; but the ability to ask these questions also enables us to recognise, call out and redress unfair treatment. Women are still tragically under-represented in both information technology and information security, so there is a critical need to encourage a more inclusive approach towards hiring and towards treatment of women once they are in post. Each individual is unique and has competencies which should be valued and managed. When we can transcend biases, it will ultimately benefit and strengthen our industry. Conclusion With staggering financial losses due to cyberattacks costing organisations in the Issue 14 |