Intelligent CIO North America Issue 04 | Page 57

hHow important is the use of data to the aviation industry ’ s fight back against COVID-19 ?

Using the expression , ‘ Cash is King ’, then I contend like others , ‘ Data is Gold ’. We collectively have vast amounts of unmined data at our fingertips while generating more billions of bits of data each and every day .
Refined data through Artificial Intelligence , Deep Learning across multiple industries and generating predictive analytics from the same will continue to accelerate the pace by which we do business . Industries and businesses who embrace data mining will learn to adapt to market cycle indicators and amply be prepared to moderate dramatic events . COVID-19 is an ideal case study .
While the transportation industry understood that a pandemic was feasible , it is fair to say that the vast majority of my global colleagues never thought it would happen in our lifetime . But here we are .
While many around the world are focused on the ‘ silver bullet solution ’, others are looking to what we can learn today to prevent similar spread in the future .
Imagine public venues such as malls , arenas , ports , etc . using networked solutions looking for symptomatic concerns without fear of personally identifiable biometrics . If a community trends towards risk level , could public health officials work with transportation to effectively restrict travel beyond regional limits ?
Cities and countries are doing this today , but it ’ s on a macro-level and oftentimes well beyond the beginning of the upward trend . Some number of citizens have likely traveled by the time lockdowns are in effect .
Stopping the spread is too late . Imagine if this ‘ networked approach ’ were in place enabling public health and transport officials to affect lockdowns based on micro-level data and predictive analytics .
Perhaps we could have contained an epidemic before blossoming to the global pandemic we are experiencing today . Also imagine the narrative if such an approach were effective in stopping the spread and restoring economic stability . That ’ s an effective use of data , prediction modeling , Deep Learning , and demonstrable action to protect the industry and others like it going forward .
The thermographic gateway system you use from Fazing Labs allows you to use a real-time system of dashboard where you can monitor real-time for alerts . What data are these alerts supplying you with and how do you use it ?
It ’ s important that we first acknowledge that detecting an abnormal core temperature is not indicative of COVID-19 as some do not exhibit an abnormally high temperature while others may have a higher core temperature beyond their control ( e . g . medication side effect ).
That said , we recognize that core temperature monitoring may provide insights to the community concern trending mentioned above . With Fazing Labs , we ’ re modeling the ability to protect the identification of the ‘ target ’ until such time that a reading is abnormal .
Should that occur , our intention is to use our regular CCTV capabilities to identify the individual and approach them in a respectful way . This is opposite of how airports perform security screening today where 100 % of the population is processed as being a security risk until cleared . Ideally , this approach to temperature checks provides a more humanistic , considerate and timely approach to not interrupting the flow or worse , inadvertently create queues that compromise social distancing .


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