Intelligent CIO North America Issue 33 | Page 40

Ericsson , Saab and Purdue University launch a unique 5G network for academics , researchers and business to develop commercial solutions that improve airports of all sizes .

Purdue University Airport , in collaboration with industry partners Ericsson and Saab has created a unique 5G network that will serve as a ‘ lab to life ’ proving ground for academics , researchers and business to develop commercial solutions that can be replicated to improve operations and security at airports of all sizes .

5G innovation has promised to provide a new generation of capabilities for enterprises .
The Purdue project aims to bring to life the benefits of private 5G for airports , where new high-performance networks can be tested in real-life scenarios .
In today ’ s environment , airports install sensors and systems that require hardwired network connections , often requiring physical connection points via trenches for copper lines or fiber-optic cables .
Alternatively , airports can consider point-to-point radio frequency links , which are often unreliable , or public cellular connections that come with subscription fees and consumer-oriented performance limitations .
The collaboration among Purdue University , Ericsson and Saab at Purdue Airport makes this approach obsolete . With the technology exhibited at Purdue ,

Airport lands 5G ‘ lab to

life ’ research site to revolutionize aviation operations

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