Intelligent CIO North America Issue 12 | Page 20




Understanding Passwordless
Passwordless authentication can yield major , business-wide benefits . In this paper , we ’ ll explain what passwordless means , explore the different types of passwordless authentication , and examine how this approach enables a secure yet seamless customer experience . As its name suggests , passwordless authentication involves verifying a user ’ s identity with something other than a password . proactive steps to avoid data breaches . Here are seven things you need to understand about passwordless to make an educated decision about how to roll it out to your customers .
1 . Companies have good reasons for investing in passwordless
There are many advantages to going passwordless . Among the most compelling ones :
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This might be a push notification sent to a secondary device or a unique biometric like the user ’ s face or fingerprint . Passwordless takes the guesswork out of secure , frictionless authentication – an increasingly urgent priority as customer experience moves online .
Seamless authentication cultivates customer trust and can improve conversion rates , since a user frustrated by a clunky login or checkout process is likely to abandon their shopping cart without making a purchase . Eliminating passwords also makes your data more secure by frustrating malicious attacks on the login box .
Customers can be confident that you ’ ll protect their information and you can be confident that you ’ ve taken
• An effortless login / checkout experience : Passwordless authentication delivers a seamless digital experience : Users aren ’ t stymied by forgotten passwords , and they can access your platform securely in seconds .
• Reduce long-term costs : Password management is expensive , largely because people forget their passwords and need help resetting them . Industry experts generally agree that each password reset costs a company $ 70 .
• Higher conversion rates : A superior customer experience yields more customer loyalty , higher conversion rates , and ultimately more revenue . For some companies , eliminating passwords has improved conversion rates by more than 50 %.
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