Intelligent CIO Kuwait Issue 5 | Page 44

GET TO KNOW... On the lighter side of things, we ask the industry experts what makes them tick. . . . Mohammad Alotaibi, Director of IT – Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority W What would you describe as your most memorable achievement? I have to admit that my strength comes from my solid technical background. I started my career as a UNIX administrator but my thrust for technology knowledge led me to explore most of the technology sectors; therefore I have achieved a huge technical background. But with this kind of strength comes a great responsibility, the responsibility of transferring this knowledge to the right people who will eventually evolve into the future technology leaders. After achieving this I can say this is the most memorable achievement; it overwrites any infrastructure overhaul or implementations I have done for any organisation. What first made you think of a career in technology? a huge satisfaction; a career in technology is really meaningful. It involves a lot of problem solving. It is a very challenging career path and you will never be bored. To be honest, the tech industry is growing rapidly – that’s alone a huge factor for thinking of a career in technology. What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position? My style of management philosophy is a combination of motivation and efficiency. My approach is to inspire employees to improve their overall performance by setting high goals in their KPIs and giving them the keys to achieve the goals. To increase efficiency, I divide the responsibility between employees to ensure getting the maximum efficiency; bear in mind specifying a clear Since my childhood I was a geek, I loved to play with new technologies and use them. I remember when I was 7 years old, I started learning MBASIC. Since then I have found technology is very innovative and gives Language Processing. I think in terms of cognitive computing effecting the technology industry heavily, especially the software sector, researchers project that 96% of enterprise software companies are going to adopt cognitive computing in their future software development. It’s crucial now to pursue cognitive computing – most of the chatbots in websites are using part of cognitive computing. I think it’s the hottest technology at the moment. How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office? The best way to unwind and relax is by taking a short time off and travelling. I love travelling, especially with my family this usually helps me unwind work stress. While time off sometimes is not an option, I have managed to deal with stress by putting my mind and body to work. I love building models, specifically robot models, and I paint them; it’s a hobby that makes me happy. If you could go back and change one career decision what would it be? responsibility is a key factor for maximum efficiency. What do you think is the current hot technology talking point? For me it’s cognitive computing, it’s the core of all new hot technologies like Machine Learning or Natural 44 INTELLIGENTCIO Well a decision is usually made based on information, I don’t recall a specific decision to be honest, but with every decision I make I learn a lot. I can see the positives in what I learned from any decision I took, sometimes if I could turn back the clock I would have changed it. Maybe it wasn’t the best decision but it was the best decision I could have made with the information I had at the time. n