Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 65 | Page 77

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The huge influx of data in recent years has caused a shift in priorities for business leaders looking to remain a leader in the data era . Tim Loake , VP , Infrastructure Solutions Group UK , Dell Technologies , discusses the trends that underscore how data users and consumers have changed and how organisations must adapt to stay relevant .

Data is the foundation of an intelligent business . But data , data consumers and the business expectations of data have changed . These shifting realities call for a higher level of data maturity and the right technologies to achieve better outcomes and digitally differentiate . As every organisation races to transform , five key shifts are converging in today ’ s data era :

1 . Exponential growth of structured and unstructured data
Fuelled by an abundance of smart devices and IoT sensors , worldwide data creation has been soaring for over a decade . A study from IDC cites that from 2021 – 2025 , new data creation will grow at a compound annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 23 %, resulting in approximately 175 zettabytes ( ZB ) of data creation by 2025 . To put this into context , a single zettabyte is equivalent to a trillion gigabytes . As Wikipedia describes it , ‘ a zettabyte is so large that it would take about a million supercomputers ( or a billion powerful home computers ) to store this amount of data ’. Additionally , more data forms – including unstructured and streaming data types like loose files , PDFs , photos , audio and video clips – are growing at an unprecedented rate and organisations are finding it hard to extract value from the data they ’ re collecting . The same IDC report states that 80 % of worldwide data will be unstructured by 2025 .
Finding a solution for managing unstructured data has been a challenge . Next-generation applications that could handle rapidly growing unstructured data typically require the extreme performance of all-flash storage . Still , budget pressures have made it hard for
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