Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 33 | Page 43

FEATURE: IoT • Fall under control of a botnet to carry out a specific, disruptive task such as DDoS According to research conducted by the team at FortiGuard Labs, IoT devices were involved in half of the top 12 exploits last year. This is primarily due to the fact that most IoT devices are designed with fault code, no built-in security measures and an inability to be updated even when network managers identify a vulnerability. IoT and the cloud: A uniquely challenging combination Every IoT device is potentially another cloud connection and every connection to the network represents yet another security vulnerability. So, what does this mean for your organisation? As you develop new IoT assets and move to the cloud, your security strategies for both need to be in sync with one another. When an IoT device is Jonathan Nguyen-Duy, Vice President, Global Field CISO Team, Fortinet INTELLIGENTCIO 43