Intelligent CIO Europe Issue 30 | Page 76

///////////////////////// It is by now commo the vast majority o with an email. In t conditions, this is mor a recent study reporti in phishing, websites a remote users. Many e struggle to detect thre for the first time. Atta are leveraging many t advantage of this fun includes automation t threat variants, resulti increase in unknown t technique, which will b article, is the rapid and of new domains in ord checks and signature- The recent surge i While traditional tools identifying campaigns multiple emails to esta an email is malicious, c doesn’t require classify buckets in order to kno There is no need, there campaigns. But as sec hard to miss some tren Since the Coronavirus seen the number of d related to COVID-19 i this time, 60% of all s neutralised by Antigen to COVID-19 or remo recent study determin Coronavirus-related d every day, with rough malicious or attempti of fake products. With advantage of changin arising from the pand we’ve seen is the proli ‘Zoom’ in some of the that bypassed traditio leverage the video con recent rise in usage. I recently wrote a blog ‘fearware’ and why it’ now, people are despe and attackers know th play into fear, uncertai through a number of m have since seen a varie attempts to engage re