Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 36 | Page 26

EDITOR’S QUESTION That is not to say that continuous staff education is not required. Quite the opposite – staff need to learn how to recognise phishing attempts. This can be considered the last line of defence as malicious mails will already have broken through the technical controls. Mechanisms need to be put in place that assist staff to report and test for phishing attempts. Staff performance in this regard also needs to be measured. Be wary of naming and shaming users who become attack victims. Public admonishment of staff may make them less likely to report phishing attempts. One thing is certain – despite your best efforts your staff will be successfully phished. Planning for that event and factoring in both technical and human failure or error are essential parts of a well thought out anti- phishing strategy. It is essential to have an incident response plan in place as well as the deployment of technologies such as browser isolation and multifactor authentication in order to limit the impact of an attack. All of these measures will combine to assist with the speed and quality of recovery from these attacks.