Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 35 | Page 43

COUNTRY FOCUS: COUNTRY MOROCCO FOCUS: “ WITH THE SUPPORT OF OUR CONTINENT-WIDE NETWORK OF GOVERNMENT, PRIVATE SECTOR, NGO AND INDUSTRY PARTNERS, WE HOPE TO BRING MORE YOUTH – GIRLS AND BOYS – INTO THE DIGITAL FOLD DURING THIS YEAR’S ACW ACTIVITIES. Revolution, participants also shared best practices on girl mentoring, capacity-building strategies and imparting digital skills to students aged eight to 16. October 5 was World Teachers’ Day, established by UNESCO in 1994 in commemoration of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation regarding the Status of Teachers. The recommendation sets the benchmark for the rights and responsibilities of teachers worldwide and establishes standards for teachers’ preparation and training, recruitment, employment, and teaching and learning conditions. In his keynote address at the launch ceremony, Ruairí de Búrca, Director-General of Irish Aid, confirmed that the Government of Ireland’s official international development aid programme will be supporting Africa Code Week alongside SAP, UNESCO and other partners. “If we are to achieve the global vision for education which the international community agreed as Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals, we must work together to ensure that everyone has access to digital skills development efforts, so that the advantages of the global digital economy are available to all,” said de Búrca. “Ireland is proud to celebrate the fifth year of Africa Code Week together with private INTELLIGENTCIO 43