Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 03 | страница 49

INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Mobile Technology Mini has transformed from being solely a browser to being a portal for localised news headlines. In 2015 Opera launched a partnership with Worldreader to provide a distribution channel for Worldreader’s library of free ebooks. Worldreader is a non-profit organisation that provides children and families across Africa with access to digital books, many of which are free of charge. The books in the digital library range from classic novels to traditional African stories and are available in a variety of African languages. In just three months five million new readers joined the platform and now around two million African Opera Mini users read e-books via Worldreader every month. Data remains prohibitively expensive for many mobile users in Africa. This means that even if smartphone penetration is increasing, many people do not use their devices to full benefit. Earlier this year research from Opera found that 30% of all mobile data is wasted in the background. Background data is the Internet traffic that goes on when you are not actually using an application. Most applications are made to give a great user experience, not to save data. Unfortunately, this means that many data users are essentially throwing away the equivalent of $1 out of every $3 spent on data. Opera Max’s Smart Alerts automatically identify applications that use a lot of data in the background. Opera Max then guides you on how to manage these data-hungry applications. Since 2012, the average size of web pages served to the mobile web has more than doubled and is set to double again by 2018. This is due to larger images, trackers, bloatware, which translates to users paying more for essentially, the same information. In response to this, Opera this year launched its advertisement blocker for Opera Mini Android. The advertisement blocker in Opera Opera Mini mobile user trends in Africa. Mini helps webpages load 40% faster than without the advertisement blocker technology. The compression technology used in Opera Mini and Opera Max can also help with issues relating to congestion and page sizes. A lighter mobile web can help get you online, even in poor network conditions. Excerpted from State of the Mobile Web Africa 2016 by Opera. INTELLIGENTCIO 49