Intelligent CIO Africa Issue 14 | Page 50

COUNTRY FOCUS: KENYA This is the mindset that is crucial for technology to make an impact in lifting people out of poverty. It requires an education system that has a focus on entrepreneurship to change the mentality of expecting others to do things for us. Wealth should be created in Africa without expecting investment and donations from anywhere else in the world. Apart from employment creation, the other way that the cloud can narrow the rich–poor gap is in helping to tackle corruption. A survey by Transparency International in 2015 estimated that 75 million Africans had paid a bribe over the last year. The long-term effects of corruption are numbing. It has been found to exacerbate poverty, as resources that had been meant to improve the common good are diverted to line pockets of individuals. Rampant corruption also makes a country unconducive for doing business. By having as less human intervention in systems and processes through technology as possible, they become seamless, leaving no loopholes that can be explored by unscrupulous individuals to loot public resources. So far, some countries have already seized the opportunities presented by cloud computing and emerging technologies and are riding the technological wave. This includes South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. More countries need to realise that technology should be the strongest pillar of their development plans. The absence of a technology heritage might just be the silver lining for Africa. Cloud is here to solve specific business challenges The biggest advantage on the continent is a limited legacy with technology. African businesses are just beginning to move from a manual way of doing things. This means that the continent can easily implement even the simplest of technologies with fantastic results. There is a huge opportunity in the adoption of the cloud, backed by the 50 INTELLIGENTCIO “ WHEREAS THERE IS EXCITEMENT AROUND A RESURGENT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT IN AFRICA, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE BENEFITS OF FUTURE ECONOMIC FORTUNES ARE INCLUSIVE. scale of markets and a largely untouched youthful population. However, adoption is often slowed down by the fact that many African economies are not private sector driven, with the public sector serving as an important engine for growth. It is encouraging that every city in Africa has access to the Internet. In fact, countries with a strong private sector such as South Africa, Morocco and Kenya have made a big difference in cloud adaptation. Those that are heavily dependent on the public sector need to borrow a leaf and take advantage of the Internet and mobile penetration. Surprisingly, war-torn Somalia has some of the fastest Internet speeds. It is through strategic investments and policy directions that countries will be able to fast- track roll-out of technologies such as fibre to ensure stable in-country networks. There is also the critical role of public-private partnerships in technological investments. This is the only way that individuals and firms will be able to adapt to evolving technologies. What has changed is the capability to be focused and address specific challenges. Over time, solutions to tackle exact business problems are increasingly becoming more affordable, besides being backed by more refined data that give better outputs. Benefits accruing for companies are two-fold: the huge cost saving and the elimination of the need to make upfront investments in technology. With the cloud, companies do not need to invest in acquiring and maintaining their own data centres. The savings in running costs can be passed onto consumers through lower prices that attract customers. Technology firms must demonstrate to customers the value that they bring to business processes to accelerate adoption. Driving education and awareness is key, particularly in building an understanding of the offerings available to customers. Cloud adoption must be on a mass scale as opposed to how it has been perceived historically: as an enterprise solution. Customers need to know that they can decide on the unique path their cloud journey will take and where they want to invest first, whether it is in human resources, customer experience or disaster management. The continent is well positioned to ride the technological wave to transform businesses, governments and citizens. The cloud must be impactful in Africa. n “ IN KENYA, WHERE MOBILE MONEY IS THRIVING, A WHOLE ECOSYSTEM IS EMERGING AROUND THIS BUDDING INDUSTRY.