Intelligence Analyst | Page 8

Additional Qualification Opportunities
The RAF Int An Apprenticeship Centre ( RIAAC ) offers individuals the opportunity to register for the Intelligence Analyst Apprenticeship Standard . The apprenticeship is a Level 4 qualification , administered by the RIAAC on behalf of 22 ( Trg ) Gp Apprenticeship Management Team .
The requisite skills will be delivered during the OPAIC and further developed during RIAAC led workshops while in the workplace .
All trainees will be subject to an End Point Assessment ahead of an award of the qualification
Transferable Skills
The qualifications and experience you will gain are as valuable in the civilian world as they are in the RAF .
This means that whenever you decide to leave the RAF you will be well placed to find a job in a number of fields . This could include telecommunications , analytical work , research , media , information technology or the Civil Service .
All Int Ans will be offered the opportunity to complete an RAF Higher Apprenticeship in Intelligence Operations – this is the only Level 4 Apprenticeship the RAF offers . As you progress you will gain a great deal of management and leadership experience which you will have the opportunity to transfer into relevant civilian qualifications .
We will give you the confidence and broad experience to succeed in whatever you choose to do .
SIP - EA - Int An Page 8