INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 9

2c. Do I support my child in his/her growth and talent and skills development?– questionnaire 3. FOR TEACHER: 3a. Student’s grades –worksheet, spreadsheet 3b. Student’s behavior in class and school – form (twice a year) 3c. „Student in a group” – form 3d. Multidisciplinary diagnostic tests (e.g. English language) 4. EXTRA TOOLS SUPPORTING CLASS TEACHER’S JOB: 4a. „Do you want to change something in a teacher-student contract?” (verification after 3 and 6 months) 4b. Difficult behaviors – procedures, lesson scenario 4c.Solving conflicts – procedures, lesson scenario 4d. Student’s handbook on key competences in learning – a set of questionnaires 4e. Intervention tools 4f. A template of a letter to the Psychological- Pedagogical Aid Centre including the information about the student. *** Chapter III: I SUPPORT MY STUDENT IN CHOOSING HIS/HER CAREER PATH 1. Student’s profession preferences - questionnaire 2. Multispecialty analysis of a school leaver’s progress and functioning 3. Student’s passport