Surf the Internet?
Go to the ciemna?
Go to the theatre?
Go for a walk?
I don’t know how to spend my free time.
4. Who do you usually spend your free time with?
My family
My friends
My siblings
My neighbours
5. How often do you go for holiday with your children? (summer holidays, weekends,
festivals, winter break?
Once a year
2 – 3 times a year
4 – 6 times a year
I do not travel
6. Would you like to spend more time with your child/children?
Hard to say
Thank you.
The tool aims at giving the information about the parents’ attitude towards the way
their children spend their spare time. The results show the specifics, interests and intentions
and willingness to spend free time together. They can give a piece of information for the
teacher to organise the leisure time for his/her students and be a good reason to include
parents into the activities done on the behalf of the whole class- for example trips ,
The tool has been based on other materials created by the teachers.