INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 78

CHAPTER II Appendix 1f: „Violence, aggression and stimulants” - questionnaire The survey is anonymous! We ask you to give your honest answers. Mark the answers or write down your own. ● Is there any need to organise the workshops about the dangers around us? NO ● Do you know what violence and aggression are? YES ● Do you know how to avoid conflicts? YES ● Do you know how to solve a conflict between you and your friends? YES 1. Have you ever encountered any form of bullying or extortion ate school? YES NO 2. If yes what was the form of it? a) Threatening with the beating up b) Extortion of money c) Other ……………………………………………………………….. 3. If you were bullied, when was it? a) On your way to school b) Before or after the lessons c) Other…………………………………………………….. 4. Do you feel threatened at school? YES NO 5. If yes, who do you fear the most? a) Your peers b) Older schoolmates c) Teachers d) Other……………………………………………………………. 6. Do you feel threatened at school? YES NO 7. If yes, what do you fear the most? a) Beating up b) Threatening c) Other…………………………………………………….. 8. Do you know anyone who is bullied at school? YES NO 9. Do you know anyone who is threatened at home? YES NO 10. Have you ever met with violence in your housing estate? YES NO YES NO NO NO