INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 73

CHAPTER II Appendix 1d: My progress and development of my hobbies against the school. Dear student! The survey is anonymous! We ask you to give your honest answers. Circle the answers (may be more than one) or write down your own. 1. You go to school everyday: a) Because you want to continue your education to higher levels b) Eagerly because you like studying and spending time with your peers. c) Because it is your duty and you do not have any deeper thoughts about that. d) Reluctantly because you feel underestimated by the teachers and mocked by your classmates e) Your own answer: ……………………………………………………………….. a) b) c) d) 2. How do you acquire your knowledge during the lessons? On the basis of teacher’s lecture By working with the book Working with other educational aids other ………………………………………………………………………. a) b) c) d) e) f) 3. During the lesson: You listen carefully to the teacher and follow his commands You are very active because you understand what is going on during the lesson You ask questions that are beyond the obligatory curriculum You wait impatiently for the break because the lessons are too long and boring You do something else Your own answer: ……………………………………………………………….. a) b) c) d) 4. Does doing homework require you to use sources other than the school book? Very often Sometimes Never Only in some subjects (name them) …………………………………. 5. Do you usually understand the knowledge taught by the teachers? a) Yes b) No 6. If not who do you ask for help? a) b) c) d) e) The teacher, I ask him/her for one more explanation. Classmates Parents Noone, you are afraid of mocking or hearing „no” Your answer: …………………………………………………………………..