Appendix 1c: Lesson – strengths and weaknesses against my own motivation for
Dear student!
The survey will let you evaluate the lesson, the ways and methods of work and your own
strong and weak points in accordance to the classes.
The survey is anonymous! We ask you to give your honest answers.
1. The lesson was:
● boring
● not too boring, not too interesting
● interesting
● very interesting
2. During the lesson I liked the most:
3. Did you commit individually or in group work?
● yes
● no
● no opinion
4. Was the atmosphere conducive for work?
● yes
● no
● no opinion
5. Was the working pace good for you?
o Rather yes
o No
o Rether no
o No
6. How do you asses your work during the lesson? Circle the answer.
1 2 3456
7. How do you asses your classmates work during the lesson? Circle the answer.
1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Were the tasks adjusted to your abilities?
● Rather yes
● No
● Rether no
● No
9. Was the teacher well prepared for the lesson?
● yes
● no
10. How do you asses your teacher’s work? You have the chance to give him/her a mark.
1 2 3 4 5