INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 69

CHAPTER II Appendix 1b: „My school” – a survey 1. Are you happy about the school you attend? Circle one answer on the scale from 1-6, where 1 means that you don’t like your school very much, and 6 means that you are really happy about your school. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 2. How do you asses the opinions about your school mentioned below? Mark a correct answer with an X. Rather yes Yes Rather no No 1. The atmosphere is nice and like coming here. 2. The school cares about my intellectual development and appropriate level of education. 3. The school helps me develop my skills and interests 4. There are a lot of interesting events 5. The school cares about a positive opinion in the local community 6. The headmaster and teachers cooperate with the students to fulfill all the tasks. 7. The headmaster and teacher motivate and encourage students to take actions and being active 8. The school is well equipped what provides an appropriate level of education 9. The school prepares me well for the external exams 10. The school recognizes student’s hobbies and interests 11. The school offers a lot of interesting extra classes, school cubs 12. I feel safe at school 13. The school promotes healthy lifestyle and life without any addictions 14. The school teaches patriotism, self confidence and respect towards other people.