INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 63

Part VI If I suddenly receive a difficult task that must be completed in a short period of time and in accompany of people I do not know… a) I want to hide and look for solution how to cope with the situation. b) I would be able to work with a person who has the most positive attitude. c) I would find a way to decrease the amount of work by dividing it among different people. d) My natural ability to see the most urgent aspects will allow us to work according to the plan. e) I am sure I will stay calm and keep my ability to assess the situation. f) Despite the pressure I will see the aims of the work. g) I would be ready to overtake a constructive leadership if I saw the group did not make any progress. h) I would start a discussion in order to stimulate new ideas and solutions. Part VII When it comes to the problems that I am responsible for... a) I tend to show that I am dissatisfied with the people who interrupt the progress of the whole group. b) Others might criticise me for being too analytical and I do not rely on my intuition. c) Sometimes I might delay the progress as I want the work to be done properly and thoroughly. d) I tend to get bored easily and I expect others to stimulate and „spark me off.” e) I find it difficult to get started if the aims are not clear enough for me. f) Sometimes I am not as effective as I would like to be when it comes to explaining difficult issues I have to face. g) I am aware of the fact that I demand others to do things I can not do myself. h) I wonder whether I should press my point of view if I meet with a strong opposition. The abbreviations used in the answer interpretation key table PO – practical organizer – contact man CM NL – natural leader - JUDGE JU AM – action man - group man GR M SOW - sower (idea man) PER - perfectionist