Appendix 4e. Template of a contract obliging parents to systematic cooperation with school
The contract concluded on ……………….. between ……………………………………( the
class teacher’s name) and Mr/Ms …..…………………………….. (parent’s name), the parent
of………………………………………………. (student’s name).
● The Parent obliges to:
→ A regular contact with the class teacher- once a month during the office hours as well
as to mandatory presence during parents-teachers meetings.
→ Punctual excuse for student’s absence, that means not later than 7 days from the
student’s return to school.
→ Informing the class teacher about the cause of absence in case of prolonged student’s
absence at school (more than a week).
→ Everyday control of student’s school activity- presence at the lessons, subject
notebooks and the way and quality of student’s homework.
→ Taking care of student’s proper preparation for school- supplying the student with any
needed materials- stationery, books, notebooks.
→ Systematic control of student’s participation in extra specialist classes, compensatory
lessons and school clubs.
● The class teacher obliges to:
→ Systematic and effective support of his/her student’s development by eg. proposing
extra classes adjusted to the student’s individual needs and abilities.
→ Informing the parents about the student’s school attendance and his/her progress at
school, monitoring student’s participation in extra classes.
→ Supporting the parent in the process of education.
→ Giving the parents the clues about the reforms, methods and ways of working with
their child in order to unify the process of education and acquire the best results.
→ Enabling the parents to contact with the subject teachers and the specialists working
with their child.
● Final arrangements:
→ The parents are responsible for the child’s development.
→ The class teacher supports the parents.
→ The contract binds both parties (the parents and the class teacher)
→ The contract may be modified according to the needs and consent of both parties
→ Both parties are obliged to follow the arrangements stated in the contract.
→ The contract has been drawn in two identical copies. One for each party.
Parent’s signature
Class teacher signature
Place…………..…, Date…………..