Letter no 2
Place……….……., Date…………..
School’s seal
Dear Sir/ Madame
Parent’s/Guardian’s names
On the basis of (the number of the act regulating the forms, methods and ways to support the child
in accordence with his/her individual abilities and needs in the school premises) ……………………………….,
the headmaster of (name of school/institution) hereby informs you about the planned forms, methods and
ways of psychological- pedagogcial aid and the planned amount of time assigned to the particular forms of
provided aid from………. to…………., school year…………………….
The teamm coordinating and planning of psychological- pedagogcial aid provided to students in
(name of school) …………………….. established the following for the
student………………………………………. (student’s name) of…………….. (class) the following:
The participation in (the names of classes)……………..…………… for……………………. (the
amount of hours), (give the day and specific time) ……………………………………………….
The plan of actions taken in the scope of educational-vocational consulting service (senior
Talking to a school creer caounselor
Participation in the job-oriented classes organised in accordance to the School Carrer Centre plan.
Participation in workshops and trips in order to direct to students towards their future jobs
Participation in the job-oriented classes during the class teacher hours in accordance with the
School’s Educational Planz planem wychowawczym szkoły
Psychological-peadgogical aid team