Appendix 4a. Template of a contract between a class teacher and his/her class
We create nice, warm and motivating atmosphere.
We are all very active.
Every comment is important and respected.
We listen carefully to each other, we do not interrupt when somebody is speaking.
We polemize and discuss the opinions not the people.
We are kind, supportive and we help each other.
We do not judge and laugh at somebody's statements.
Everyone speaks for himself/herself. Everyone speaks in the first person- I.
We respect each other.
We solve any conflicts immediately when they occur.
We keep the secrets and we trust each other.
We are punctual.
We tidy our mess.
We do not leave the school premises during the breaks.
We participate in individual, group and class, school activities organised for school and local
community, eg. school trips (to the cinema, theatre), representing school outside (eg. during
town festivals, school competitions).
The above rules set between the students and the form teacher are just an example. They can
be an inspiration to create your own contract that will be appropriate and adequate to the
abilities and needs of the whole group and the specifics of the classes/lesson/meeting. Thanks
to establishing clear rules, it is easier to set and reach the goals which is more effective and
the work is accompanied by friendly and creativity stimulating atmosphere. It is important to
put the contract in a visible place in our classroom. It is advisable to refer to the rules set
together during the classes and tell how important they are. The contract can be modified
according to the needs but only if the whole group agrees. Source: Monika Rzepecka- own