12. What makes you anxious?
a) a messy chaotic place
b) a silent place
c) a place where you do not feel comfortable (both physically and mentally)
d) a place where you can not do anything and there is no space to move around
13. What do you dislike the most when somebody teaches you?
a) listening to a lecture without any pictures
b) reading in silence without any instructions or discussion
c) impossibility to draw, doodle, touching things or making notes
d) looking and listening while sitting still, motionless
14. Try to remember some happy moment that happened in your life. Try to remember as
many details as possible. What memories are stuck in your head?
a) what you saw, eg. the people and their appearance
b) what you hears, eg. conversations, sounds and noises around you
c) what you felt with your touch and your comfort and mood
d) what you did, the movements of your body, your actions
15. Imagine that you have to stay in one of those places where you will do different things.
Where would you feel the most comfortable?
a) a place where you can read, look at pictures, work of arts, maps, diagrams, photos, where
you can solve visual puzzles like finding the way in a labyrinth, searching for a missing part
of a picture, play word games like scrabble, design the interior or try on clothes.
b) a place where you can listen to recorded stories, music, radio or TV talk shows and news;
play an instrument or sing, give speeches, play word games loudly, read books, poetry or
short stories out loud, give speeches from theatrical plays or movies.
c) a place where you can draw, paint, make sculptures or do crafting, where you can create
something, write or type on computer: do some things manually, play an instrument, play
board games like chess or checkers, build mock-ups.
d) a place where you can do sport, play football or games that engage your body, play roles in
theatrical plays; move and experiment while doing a project, examine and discover new
things, build or assemble mechanical elements; compete with others.
10. If you were to remember some word you would do it by:
a) seeing/ picturing it
b) hearing it
c) writing it down
d) reproducing the word in your head or manually