INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 37

CHAPTER I Appendix 3a. Initial skills diagnosis(multidisciplinary tests, e.g. English aptitude tests, entrance tests) (based on OKE Kraków) Dear First Year Students! The survey is not anonymous but the results will not influence your grades. We would like to ask you to answer all the questions honestly. Thanks to your answers we will know you, your abilities and your motivation towards studying. Thank you. Name and surname:……………………….…………………………….. 1. Which document proves your achievements at school better? A School report. B Final exams certificate. C They are both accurate. 2. The school you go to is: A in a town/city where you live or live nearby B in a different town/ city and you have to get to school everyday (eg. by bus) 3. Your results at school are: A not too important for your parents (guardians) B important for your parents (guardians) C very important for your parents (guardians) 4. Name two main activities you do after school. A I read books. B I help my parents. C I surf the Internet. D I listen to music. E I watch movies. F I do homework and study. G I play sport. H I meet my friends. I I play computer games. J I go to extra classes (for example?) ................................................ K Other (for example?) ........................................................................................... 5. Mark school subjects (max three) that are especially difficult for you. A Mathematics. B Language (your mother tongue) C Physics. D Chemistry. E Biology. F History. G Geography. H Other (jaki?) ........................................