8. Do you use punishment?
Yes, (for example?………………………………………………………………………………
No, (why?) …………………………………………………………………………
9. How do you spend your free time?
Shop together
watch TV
go for walks together
Talk to other members of the family go to the cinema, etc.
we don’t spend free time together do sport
other, (for example? )………………………………………….
10. What forms of working with the teachers do you usually use?
Meetings with form teacher
meetings with other teachers open days
House visits mail
phone conversation
11. What day of the week and what hour are the most convenient for you to meet the
12. In what situation do you expect the school to help you?
The aim of the survey is to know the student’s family situation. The form of the survey makes
it easy for the parents to be honest. The results are a valuable source of information for the
form teacher who should be open to help and support the families who are in need.