INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 26

CHAPTER 1 1d. . Form on student’s interests and expectations towards school (author: Ms. Ilona Stasiołek). Survey Read the survey and write your answers in the intended place or mark the answer by writing „x” in a correct space. Thank you. Name: …………………………………..............................., Class/Form: ….................... 1. You are:  10-12 years old  13-16 years old  more than 16 years old 2. Do you have any hobbies, interests, passions?  yes  no 3. What is your hobby?  sport music dancing  travelling photography  media (TV, Internet, etc.)  art or manual classes  science  foreign languages  I don’t have a hobby  other, ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Finish the sentence: I broaden my hobbies, interests and passions through:  participating in the classes at Cultural Centres Internet and TV school  specialized books and magazines  training extra classes  trips  work or apprenticeship  I don’t have any hobbies  other, …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Since when do you have your passion?  a year or less  2-3 years 4-5 years  more, (how long?)………….. 6. How often do you spend time on your hobby?  once a week  2 to 5 times a week  everyday  only during summertime or winter  once in a few times  few times a year  once a year 7. Do your hobbies affect your grades? yes, I get better grades  I’m not interested in my grades or progress  a little  yes, I get worse grades