INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 23

CHAPTER I Appendix 1b: Form on situation within a family and living conditions A survey about your family situation: Who are you?- let’s get to know each other. (author Ms. Agnieszka Laskowska) Read the survey and write your answers in the intended place or mark the answer by writing „x” in a correct space. Thank you. 1. My name is …………………………………………………………………………….. 2. I was born on: day…….. month …….. year ….., in (birthplace)………………………….. 3. I live in …………………………, Street ………………………………………. Me, my family, my home (mark the answers with X) 1. Do you have any siblings?  yes  no 2. If you have any siblings, how many are there?  1  2  3  4  5 3. Do you have your own room?  yes  no 4. If you marked „no” in question no 3, say who do you share the room with.  my siblings  my parents  my grandparents  other relative 5. I live with:  mom and dad  just mom  my mom and her boyfriend  just dad dad and his girlfriend  grandparents  in a school dormitory other, ……………………………………………………………………………. 6. If I have some free time, just for me at home, I have homework to do or I just want to rest I  have a place at home where I can be alone, it is …………………… don’t have a place where I can be alone at home 7. Mark the answer you agree with: I like my home and my family  I don’t like my home and my family  I would like some things could change at my home and in my family