INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 2 English version | Page 17

the parents to fulfill the tasks The range of coworking with Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres, including specialist centres, teacher training institutions, non-governmental organizations and other institutions supporting the family, children and teenagers. The name and The scope of The time period Contact person contact date of an cooperation of cooperation institution THE ACTIONS TAKEN AS A FORM OF EDUCATIONAL-VOCATIONAL COUNSELING AND THE FORMS OF IMPLEMENTATION Actions Identification of student’s interests and hobbies. Forms of implementation Introduction to different jobs. Introduction to different health demands applying to different jobs. The tool organises the information about the student including all aspects of his/her functioning. The tool makes it possible to know the student after a thorough interview, the documents analysis, talks and observations. The tool makes it possible to individualise the form of psychological-pedagogical support offered to a student. The tool has been created by the School Centre of Psychological-Pedagogical Support of Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 30 im. Adama Mickiewicza w Łodzi.