Instituto Mexicano de Economía del Comportamiento Finanzas de comportamiento | Page 34

índice Capítulo 2 : ¿Qué son las Finanzas del Comportamiento (Behavioral Finance)? 34 glosario Referencias Barber, B.and Odean, T. (2000). “ Boys willbe Boys: Gender, Overconfidence, and Common Stock Investment.” Working Paper. Available: FINANZAS DEL COMPORTAMIENTO 20 17 Barber, B.and Odean, T. (1999). “ The Courage of Misguided Convictions.” Financial Analysts Journal, 55, 41-55. Bell, D. (1982). “ Regret in Decision Making Under Uncertainty.” Operations Research, 30,: 961-981. Feldman, A. (1999). “ A Finance Professor for the People.” Money, 28: 173-174. Fishchhoff, B., Slovic, P., and Lichtenstein, S.(1977). “ Knowing with Certainty the Appropriateness of Extreme Confidence.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 552-564. Fuller, R.J. (1998). “ Behavioral Finance and the Sources of Alpha.” Journal of Pension Plan Investing, 2 . Available: Goetzmann, W.N. and N. Peles (1993). “ Cognitive Dissonance and Mutual Fund Investors.” The Journal of Financial Research, 20,: 145-158. UNO Inman. J. and McAlister L. (1994). “ Do Coupon Expiration Dates Affect Consumer Behavior?” Journal of Marketing Research, 31,: 423-428. Juglar, C. (1993). Brief History of Panics in the United States, 3rd edition. Burlington, Vermont: Fraser Publishing Company Kahneman, D., Slovic, P. and Tversky, A. (eds.). (1982). Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Kahneman, D. and A. Tversky. (1979). “ Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk.” Econometrics, 47:263-291. Le Bon, G. (1982). The Crowd: a Study of the Popular Mind. Marietta, GA: Cherokee Publishing Company. MacKay, C. (1980). Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group. Mahajan, J. (1992). “ The Overconfidence Effect in Marketing Management Predictions.” Journal ofMarketing Research, 29,: 329-342. Morton, H. (1993). The Story of Psychology. New York, NY: Bantam Double Dell Publishing Sección I: Introducción Ir a inicio de sección Manual de Economía del Comportamiento Vol. 3: Finanzas