C U R R E N T P R O J E C T S :
W O M E N ' S E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P P R O G R A M ( W E P )
Since 2005 , WEP has provided entrepreneurial services ranging from skillbuilding trainings to providing members with business loans . In 2016 , WEP organized a many initiatives . In March , WEP organized its annual International Women ' s Day event with 10 village societies in attendance and all WEP staff members . The day included inspiring presentations , musical acts and dramatic performances . WEP also hosted a Trade Fair Show , which provided businesses a platform to showcase their products and creations in a central location . Beginning in September , WEP held several handicraft trainings in office and in villages . In November , WEP staff arranged their annual trip for 275 of their member in celebration of faith and women ’ s empowerment .