Instinctive Drive June 18 Instinctive Drive | Page 9
While continuing to climb the pillar, these
two worms were able to notice that few other
worms which were in the front were falling
down because they were unable to move on
the polished cylindrical surface. When they
continued to move forward they were able to
see more of their friends falling down. Mean-
while, the first worm continued to ask the
same questions with few other worms that
were moving forward but they too never knew
the answer of why they are climbing the pillar
and they too mentioned that they started to
climb on seeing all the others doing it. Sud-
denly they all happened to gaze at a colorful
butterfly which came on their way. They saw
the butterfly happily flying all around and it
finally came near the pillar too.
Our first worm was very curious in speaking
with the butterfly. He asked the butterfly
who he was and how did he get the beautiful
wings to fly. For which the butterfly replied
he was once a worm like them, he kept mov-
ing on the plants, finally built a shell around
him with his saliva and broke it by himself
when he grew big. He got the wings when he
was out of the shell and he realized that he
can fly. On saying this the butterfly flew to
the top of the pillar. Before the worm was
waiting to ask the next question to the but-
terfly, he too fell down from the pillar and
The story has a great moral. An individual
will exhibit his powers when time comes and
this is true in all the cases. But we fail to real-
ize this and make troubles unnecessarily.
The exact problem what the society faces to-
day is that we all want to take up a career ei-
ther just for the sake of others or just because
others are able to shine in that particular
field of work. The Indian cricketer Virat
Kohli makes an annual income of rupees hun-
dred crore but does that mean Kohli’s brother
can also shine as a cricketer like him. The one
reason why people want to follow the lifestyle
of others is that they do not have the right
guidance. The values in life are lost when peo-
ple started to follow the system of nuclear
family. The present generation are more un-
fortunate as they do not have the opportunity
of spending quality time with their grandpar-
ents. The parents too, of this generation do
not find time to spend with their kids and are
in a misconception that making more money
for their kids would enrich their future.
The other big challenge is the parents’ atti-
tude of comparing their kid(s) with others.
Every parent want their kids to be a software
engineer believing that the software industry
pays well. It is every time observed that at
least 90% of the students in engineering nei-
ther understand why they study the course
nor what they are intended to do after the
end of their graduation. Finally, the blame is
assigned on the educational institutions,
teaching fraternity and the government itself,
saying the employment opportunities have
come down.
The parents and teachers are the one who
make the society and their biggest responsi-
bility lies in making their kids understand
that life is beautiful. It is, not only beautiful
but also simple. There is nothing that hu-
mans can’t do and all that we’re planning to
do will not happen immediately.
Simply understand that ‘Practice’ and
‘Patience’ are the two essential mantras of