Instinctive Drive June 18 Instinctive Drive | Page 7
Life is Beautiful
would like to share an old story of
worms which is abhorring but very
meaningful. A few worms started climbing a
polished tall cylindrical pillar, the worms, one
after the other started climbing this pillar
and tried to reach the top of the pillar. The
other worms which were passing on the way,
started to watch the other worms climbing
the pillar and were bewildered, but they too
started to climb the pillar hoping that there is
something at the top.
The worms had difficulty in climbing the pil-
lar as the surface was polished and its shape
cylindrical. One particular worm had a ques-
tion of why he had to climb the pillar just be-
cause his other friends are doing it. He asked
it to the fellow who is climbing in front of him
that why they are climbing the pillar. The
second worm for which replied he did not
know, when he came that way, he happened
to see the other worms climbing it and so he
started to follow. Again the first worm asked
few questions like how tall is the pillar, what
is there at the top of it and how long would it
take for them to reach the top of the pillar.
The second worm never had answer for any
of these questions. Rather, continued to say
the same that he started climbing the pillar
on seeing the others doing it, but the second
worm was very confident that there must be
something precious and that is the reason
why all their other friends are climbing the