Instinctive Drive June 18 Instinctive Drive | Page 4

E D I T O R ’S N O T E Irresistible urge to know what successful people have and do in excess to have the overwhelming success, have always been with us. The absence of a personal tutor to guide in all walks of life have also been one of our urgent needs. The e-magazine ‘Instinctive Drive’ was designed as a tool to serve these needs. Our decision to prove that success in life is inevitable, provided the rules are understood and followed. The articles and the cover stories illustrated would reflect universal values, bring hope, in- spiration and stimulate the minds and offer practical advices. This was essential because, at times, a misconception happens that few people are the special creation of God. It was, therefore decided to reach out to people who are so called successful to find out facts. A steady decline can be observed when a comparison is made be- tween the people of current generation with that of the earlier generation. The absence of focus and the lack of determination among people of current generation turn results as failures in life. People are, on the one hand, not able to withstand the time of gestation and on the other hand, do not hold on to the assign- ments they undertake.