Instinctive Drive June 18 Instinctive Drive | Page 12

Fine. Is there a mantra that can be followed when we speak about attitude? In oth- er words, is there a guideline or framework that can be applied to improve our atti- tude towards problems? Yes. I do trust the below points and the best part is that, it works for me and I’m sure it will for you as well. Love what you do : It is very important to love what- ever work we do. If we do so, out perspective towards the work wears a different look and that leads to understand the work and to do proper planning. After all, problem of any complexity definitely has a solution to it, when our attitude wins over self- apathy. Be different : Let’s take a live example from the game of bat and ball! Our very own M.S Dhoni, in addition to the batting abilities he possesses, he does a magical wicket keeping stuff that sets him apart. Had he done only batting, there is no doubt that many Kohlis would have occupied his seat in the dressing room. So, be- ing different etches our his- tory! And remember, Every- one will do the work given to them. Those who go that ex- tra mile only stay as most sought-after. Take occasional Risks : We hear that many people quit their current jobs to be- come a farmer, to begin start -ups, to do philanthropy, etc. And, to be more specific, when Mechanical Engineers and Electronics Engineers land up in software engi- neering jobs when nothing else seems to have kicked off! Definitely there will be glitches in the beginning. But, at times, we need to take risk to try something different than the ones in our comfort zones. Though it sounds weird and doesn’t seem to suite our passion, it will, on the other hand, give us a wonderful gift for life called Experience. You may fail while taking risks, but never fail to take risks. Be a deaf Frog : Every day will not be the same. When we do something different or when we take a risk, there will be couple of people who really care for us who put Students, software engi- neers, cricketers, scien- tists everyone have their own episodes of failures. Not all emerge success- ful overnight. It is atti- tude that defines us. As a software engineer, I have come across people with variety of behav- forth both positives and neg- atives and give real valuable feedback. But there will be a bunch of people who will try to bring us down by stress- ing more on the negatives. My recommendation is to be like a deaf frog which made it to the top from a deep well in spite of push backs from its peers. Value Relationships : When we grow up and get occupied with our own chores, we slowly come out of the friends’ and relatives’ circle. It has to be avoided. It is an art to maintain rela- tionship. When you learn to maintain your personal rela- tionships, you will eventual- ly tend to maintain profes- sional relationships as well which will definitely pave way for a healthy work envi- ronment and a successful career. So friends, if you feel to have missed someone so much for a long time now, don’t hesitate to WhatsApp a “Hi” to renew that relation- ship. When we try to follow these points, I’m sure, your atti- tude will definitely change and you will feel energized and refreshed to achieve more and aspire more. Good luck.