Inspiring Lives Magazine Winter 2017: Issue 3 | Page 73

The sun sets earlier and rises later each day . Warm summer nights turn into chilly mornings . It becomes difficult to get out of bed . A general lack of motivation and fatigue plague you . Frustration sets in . You may have noticed a higher level of irritability . Sigh . It is dark when you go to bed and dark when you come home in the evening . There doesn ’ t seem to be enough time in the day . Perhaps it is your diet ? As you turn to comfort foods like chocolate , pot pie , and pop tarts , your energy level dwindles .

I ’ ve been there . My body feels heavier than usual , as if my arms and legs are weighted . I know I have a list to accomplish and a desire to achieve the goals set , but my body tells me differently . I am more easily tearful , sensitive , yet edgy . The dishes sit longer , and laundry is piled to the ceiling .
Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) is a type of depression related to the change in seasons , specifically the seasonal variations of light . It begins and ends at the same time each year , spanning from September through April . The peak of the depressive symptoms is experienced in December , January , and February . It affects more than 3 million people in the United States each year . According to Mental Health America :
• Three out of four SAD sufferers are women .
• The main age of onset of SAD is between 18 and 30 years of age .
The severity of SAD depends both on a person ’ s vulnerability to the disorder and his or her geographical location .
Do you think you may suffer from SAD ? Here are the symptoms :
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Sleep disturbances
• Irritability
• Isolation
• Tiredness
• Overeating
• Loss of libido or less desire for physical contact
• Mood changes
If you had most of these symptoms for three or more seasonal years , you may suffer from SAD . It is a unique form of depression , but what causes it ?
1 . The change in the variations of light can cause a person ’ s internal clock to be out of step . In turn , the moods shift .
2 . Melatonin is a hormone produced in the penial gland . The increase in darkness causes the increase of this hormone . This will also cause a biological change in the brain . This chain reaction can result in depression .
Now what ? We have established you are NOT CRAZY ! But , what do you do to relieve the depression ? Mental Health America offers the following suggestions :
• Phototherapy or bright light therapy has been shown to suppress the brain ’ s secretion of melatonin . Although , no research findings definitely link this therapy with an antidepressant effect , light therapy has been shown to be effective in up to 85 percent of diagnosed cases . Patients remain in light up to ten times the intensity of normal domestic lighting up to four hours a day but may carry on normal activities such as eating or reading while undergoing treatment . This can be purchased on such sites as Amazon . com .
• For mild symptoms , spending time outdoors during the day or arranging for more access to sunlight in the home and workplace may be helpful . One study found that an hour ’ s walk in winter sunlight was as effective as two and a half hours under bright artificial light . Although tanning may be controversial , temporary use of a tanning bed in the winter may also help to alleviate the symptoms . Please use caution and UV protection .
• Psychotherapy has proven to be effective to manage the symptoms . Often when our energy levels are low , we lack the motivation to care for ourselves . In psychotherapy , a counselor will help you be accountable and provide a multitude of me thods to care for yourself during the Winter Blues .
• If phototherapy does not work , an antidepressant drug may prove effective in reducing or eliminating SAD symptoms . Discuss your symptoms thoroughly with your family doctor and / or mental health professional .
There is hope ! SAD is common . However , knowledge is power . Dig deep , and remember , you are worth it ! n