Inspiring Lives Magazine Summer 2016: Issue 1 | Page 54




( Even When You Are Broke )

By Patricia LeBlanc , RMT , IARP

Most of us have a hard time feeling abundant when in reality we actually are struggling to make ends meet . Now this is a really important thing that we need to deal with so that we can start manifesting more money and abundance instead of more bills and / or making our situation worse .

Here are my 3 steps to help you attract more abundance and money in your life and business .
Quite often we feel broke ; your reality is that it is not that bad . So , the first thing I want you to do is to make a list of everything in your life that actually makes you feel quite abundant already . This could be that you live in a great place , that you have an amazing relationship with yourself and others , that you have amazing health . Write a list of all of those things where you actually have a lot of abundance and luck already in your life . This list should make you feel better immediately , and it will remind you that your problems probably aren ’ t that bad .
STEP 2 : SWITCH UP YOUR THOUGHTS Have you ever noticed that when you are really , really desperate for business and clients , that ’ s when things really dry up ? And actually when you ’ re feeling really good about your business , and you ’ re feeling really abundant — that ’ s when suddenly clients start to come your way .
So let ’ s switch up your thoughts and feeling right now in ways that don ’ t cost you anything . Wear makeup and perfume and nice clothes , eat on your good plates , and use your nice silverware that you ’ re saving for a special occasion . Stop waiting for special occasions to do something nice for you . Do something nice for you every day . When you do something that makes you feel abundant and rich , you are able to turn things around .
You can also use these powerful abundance affirmations to help change your thoughts . I know that life is abundant , and I accept abundance in my life now ! I love life and accept my abundance unconditionally ! I am unlimited ! I am abundant ! I am worthy and deserving of all good ! Creative energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly ! Cash moves in abundant amounts in my life ! I always have more than enough of everything I need ! New opportunities to increase my income open up for me now ! I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways ! I am overflowing with abundant prosperity !
Lastly , once you have turned those thoughts around , you are in a position to start taking action . Make a list of some of the income-producing activities that you can implement today and start pulling them into place . It could be that you have to chase up some clients who owe you money . It could be that it is time to implement one of your ideas for a coaching program or maybe a VIP day . Be creative and start doing activities so that money starts coming in .
Always remember that there is enough abundance for everyone , and you are worthy of having unlimited abundance .
Patricia LeBlanc is a manifesting and success strategist , 9X international best selling author , international speaker and trainer and master energy healer teacher who helps female entrepreneurs get to the next level .
patriciaeleblanc . com